
Showing posts with the label forloop

Mastering the for...of Loop in JavaScript

  Contents       1.      Introduction 2.      Syntax 3.      Iterating arrays 4.      Iterating strings 5.      Iterating map and sets 6.      Custom iterables 7.      Conclusion 1. Introduction The for...of loop in JavaScript is a powerful tool for iterating over elements in iterable data structures such as arrays, strings, maps, sets, and more. It provides a cleaner and more concise syntax compared to traditional for loops. Here's how it works: 2. Syntax for (const element of iterable) { // Code to be executed for each element } element: This variable represents the current element in the iteration. You can name it whatever you like. iterable: This is the data structure you want to iterate over. 3. Iterating arrays const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; for (const num of numbers) { console.log(num); } 4. Iterating stri...