
Showing posts with the label Asynchronous

SOAP Explained: With Javascript

What is SOAP? SOAP is like a set of rules that helps different computer programs talk to each other. Imagine you have two friends who speak different languages. SOAP is like a universal translator that helps them understand each other. Now, when these programs talk, they use a special type of text called XML. It's like a format that's easy for both programs to read, like having a conversation in a language that both friends understand. So, SOAP is kind of like a language translator for computers, and XML is the language they use to communicate. This way, even if two programs are running on completely different systems, they can still understand each other and share information. SOAP Request A SOAP request consists of a SOAP envelope that contains the SOAP header and the SOAP body. Here's a basic example of what a simple XML request in SOAP might look. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soapenv:Envelope     xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas...

Handling Asynchronous Function is Crucial Part of Any WebDeveloper in 2024

  First question anyone should ask is what is Asynchronous function and how it is different from synchronous function and what it look like. We will discuss this topic in terms of JavaScript. What is Synchronous functions? As the name suggests synchronous means to be in a sequence, i.e. every statement of the code gets executed one by one. So, basically a statement has to wait for the earlier statement to get executed. What is Asynchronous functions? Javascript is a single-threaded language , which means that function that deals with things like input-Ouput, Sockets and the network, in general, would block the main thread when executed. To have the ability to write concurrent code that does not block the main thread with tasks that can be slow(needs some time to finish), JS uses what is called the Event Loop. So, an asynchronous function is just a function that can be put in a queue and have the results of the function checked in later, without blocking the main thread...