
Luxury Color Palettes

Luxury Color Palettes Classic Elegance: Colors: #2E4053, #BFC9CA, #AAB7B8, #D5D8DC, #F1C40F   Rustic Radiance: Colors: #7E102C, #E1D4C1, #D7A9A8, #58423F, #E1D3CC   Azure Allure: Colors: #1A5276, #2980B9, #85C1E9, #F7DC6F, #D4AC0D Violet Velvet: Colors: #4A235A, #6C3483, #A569BD, #E8DAEF, #F4ECF7 Emerald Essence: Colors: #0D2B1D, #345635, #6B8F71, #AEC3B0, #E3EFD3   Blush Balance: Colors: #443737, #987284, #D5AA9F, #E8D5B7, #F4E1D2   Sunset Sophistication: Colors: #3E2723, #D4A373, #8D6E63, #FFE0B2, #FFF3E0   Champagne Chic: Colors: #2B1C10, #987284, #6E493A, #E1D4C1, #F4E1D2   Amber Ambiance: Colors: #804E27, #BF7D3A, #F7CA79, #383838, #F4E1D2   Neutral Nudes: Colors: #6E6658, #B2B0A1, #F5ECE6, #A9A7A0, #E6DDD7   Earthen Luxe: Colors: #0A0908, #22333B, #EAE0D5, #C6AC8E, #5E503F   Noir Chic: Colors: #1E1E1E, #595959, #A6A6A6, #D0D0D0, #F1EFEF   Mocha Medley: Colors: #332820, #5A4D40, #D5AA9F, #D0C6BD, #EFEDEA  

Setup & CRUD PostgreSQL, Nodejs as backend

What is PostgreSQL PostgreSQL, or Postgres, is a free, open-source relational database system that competes with MySQL, SQL Server, and MariaDB. Since 1997, it has been known for its reliability, flexibility, and compliance with standards, making it a popular choice for developers and companies. What is node-postgres? Node-postgres (pg) is a non-blocking PostgreSQL client for Node.js, providing a set of modules to interact with PostgreSQL databases. It supports features like callbacks, promises, async/await, connection pooling, prepared statements, cursors, advanced type parsing, and C/C++ bindings. Install PostgreSQL Installer Windows Installer   For Mac:  brew install postgresql To start services brew services start postgresql ==> Successfully started `postgresql@14` (label: homebrew.mxcl.postgresql@14) To stop services brew services stop postgresql ==> Successfully stopped `postgresql@14` (label: homebrew.mxcl.postgresql@14) Connect to Postgres’s  psql postg...

Create your first website with Home, Contact us, Register, Login Pages

Create a Folder Structure for Your Website 1. Create a folder named MyFirstWebsite . 2. Inside the MyFirstWebsite folder, create the following HTML files: index.html (Home page) contact.html (Contact Us page) register.html (Registration page) login.html (Login page) MyFirstWebsite/ │ ├── index.html ├── contact.html ├── register.html ├── login.html └── main.css Note: why the main HTML file is named index.html 1. Default Behavior: Most web servers automatically serve index.html when a directory is accessed (e.g., 2. Organizational Convention: It clearly indicates the starting point of a website, making projects easier to navigate. 3. SEO and Usability: Enhances usability for users and search engines by providing a clear homepage. 4. Historical Context: This naming convention has been widely accepted since the early days of the web. Using index.html ensures compatibility with hosting services and improves site navigation. File Content index.html <!DOCTYPE html...